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How to delete a Daemons through the cloudpanzer mobile application?

Stopping a daemon, or background service can be an important task for managing your system. Identify the name of the daemon you want to stop. This can usually be found in the documentation or by using the ps command to list all running processes.

Prerequisites :  

You must have an Active Server. You can jump to the tutorial section if the above conditions are proper, Or first follow the links below to set up the prerequisites.

How to install a Server Server 
Tutorial :  
You can watch the Video or Continue reading the post.

Follow the steps below to delete a Daemon

1: Once logged in, look for a "Server" and click on it.


2. Click on the daemon button.


3. Click on the menu icon and Select Delete Option.


4. Click on the Delete button.


Here, you can see the Daemon was deleted successfully.


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