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Install Open Cart on a Domain through the cloudpanzer mobile application?

OpenCart is a free, open-source e-commerce platform for online merchants. It is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database to store data. OpenCart is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, making it a popular choice for small and medium-sized online stores.

Prerequisites :  

You must have an Active Server and A Site Configured on your server to perform the PHPMy Admin installation on the site. You can jump to the tutorial section if the above conditions are proper, Or first follow the links below to set up the prerequisites.

How to install a Server?
How to Setup a Site?
How to Navigate to Apps Under Website?
Tutorial :  
You can watch the Video or Continue reading the post.

Navigate to the site Dashboard (Use this link to view How to Navigate)
Install Open cart :

  Click on the Open cart card.


Enter data in the fields and Click on the Install Opencart


Here, you can see the Open Cart Enable was successful.


How to Enable Delete Protection on a Site?
How to Enable And Disable Maintenance Mode?
How to Allow Permission?
How to Migrate Domain?
How to Disable App on a Domain?
How to Uninstall App on a Domain?

Looking for Web Instructions?
Available at