How to create forge Integration in cloudpanzer?
Forge is a popular platform for hosting and deploying Laravel applications. In this tutorial, we will show you how to integrate Forge with Cloudpanzer, a cloud management platform.
Tutorial :
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Follow the steps below to create Forge Integration in CloudPanzer.
1: OnceAfter you are loggedlogging in, looknavigate forto anthe "Account Settings" option in the menu. ThisIt iscan locatedbe found in a drop-down menu underbelow your username,username or it may beas a separate tab in the main menu.
2: SelectPlease access the "Manage IntegrationsIntegrations" Option.feature.
3: ClickPlease on add new buttonnavigate to addthe new"Manage Integration.Integrations" feature.
4: FillTo complete the process, please provide all necessary information in allthe Fieldsrespective andfields, then select the "Forge" option from the drop-down,down thenmenu and finally click on the Save"Save" button.
Here, you can see theThe Forge integration createdhas Successfully.been successfully created.