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Install Open Cart on a Domain through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
OpenCart is a free, open-source e-commerce platform for online merchants. It is written in PHP an...
Install Custom on a Domain through the cloudpanzer mobile application.
Installing a custom Cloudpanzer can be a useful way to personalize. Install and configure a custo...
How to Enable And Disable Development Mode?
Development mode is a term that can refer to a variety of different things depending on the conte...
How to Enable Site Protection through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
Tutorial : You can watch the Video or Continue reading the post. Enable Site Protection :-...
How to Enable or disable Maintenance Mode on a Site through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
Maintenance mode refers to a state in which a website, system, or device is taken offline for mai...
How to configure Fix Ownership and Fix file Permissions on site app through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
One of the benefits of using a Cloudpanzer is the ability to customize the permissions for each i...
How to migrate app Domain ?
Migrating a domain for an application can be a complicated process, but it is an important step i...
How to Uninstall App on a Site through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
Uninstalling an app on your device is a simple process that can often be completed in just a few ...
How to install Adminer on a domain through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
Adminer is a popular open-source database management tool that can be used to manage databases th...
How to Disable Site Protection through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
To disable something means to turn it off or deactivate it so that it is no longer functional or ...
How to View Plans in Billing?
Companies and organizations use many different billing plans to charge for their products and ser...
Install GitRepository on a Domain throuh the cloudpanzer mpbile application.
Git is a version control system that is widely used for software development and collaboration. I...
How to change a Server Management Password through the mobile app?
Effective password management is essential for ensuring the security and privacy of your online a...
How to Check DNS Record ?
DNS, or Domain Name System, is an essential part of the internet that translates domain names int...
How to Add New DNS Record?
A DNS (Domain Name System) record is a type of data that is stored in a DNS server and used to ma...
How to Delete DNS Record?
Deleting a DNS record is a simple process that can be accomplished by logging in to the account w...
How to Change Encryption Mode ?
Encryption is a security measure that helps protect data from unauthorized access. It converts pl...
How to Change SSL/TLS Recommender ?
How to create Cloudflare Integration Tutorial : You can watch the Video or Continue readin...
How to Check SSL/TSL Edge Certificates?
An SSL/TLS certificate is a digital certificate that is used to establish a secure connection bet...
How to Change TLS Latest Version ?
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a widely used protocol for securing communication over the inte...