Recently Updated Pages
How do I update my company information in CloudPanzer?
Updating your company information is an important task that helps ensure that your business is ac...
How to change web directory on Site through the Cloudpanzer website?
Before you can change the web directory, it is important to know where it is currently located. T...
How to add Aliases on site through the cloudpanzer website?
Aliases, also known as redirects or redirections, allow you to set up multiple URLs that all poin...
How to Enable Or Disable HTTP/3 (with QUIC)?
HTTP/3 (also known as HTTP-over-QUIC) is a new version of the HTTP protocol that is designed to i...
How do I set up Two-Factor Authentication in CloudPanzer?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security that requires a second form of auth...
How to enable/disable Maintenance Mode on site through the cloudpanzer website?
Maintenance mode is a useful feature that allows website administrators to temporarily take a sit...
How to Enable Or Disable IP Geolocation?
In summary, IP geolocation is a process that involves determining the physical location of a de...
How to Enable Or Disable IPv6 Compatibility?
IPv6 compatibility refers to the ability of a device or system to support and use the Internet Pr...
How to Enable Or Disable Onion Routing?
Onion routing is a technique for anonymous communication over a computer network. It involves the...
How to Enable Or Disable 0-RTT Connection Resumption?
0-RTT connection resumption is a feature of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol that allo...
How to Enable Or Disable WebSockets?
WebSockets is a protocol that enables two-way communication between a client and a server over a ...
How to change the maximum upload size?
If you are trying to upload a file to a Cloudpanzer and are encountering an error message stating...
How to Delete Groups?
As a Cloudpanzer administrator, you may occasionally need to delete groups in order to maintain t...
How to updated Groups?
Updating groups can be an important task for maintaining the organization and functionality of a ...
How to add SSH key on a server in CloudPanzer?
Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol used to securely connect to a remote computer. One way to authen...
How to Add Pseudo IPv4 header?
Pseudo-IPv4 headers are used in some networks to allow IPv6 devices to communicate with IPv4 devi...
How to Delete Share with teammates Groups?
Deleting a share may not necessarily resource for accessing the group or teammate. If they have s...
How to run a Command through the Cloudpanzer website?
Running a command in a computer system allows you to perform a specific task or function. Whether...
How to create Redirect Rules through the Cloudpanzer website?
Creating redirect rules can be a useful tool for managing your website and improving the user exp...
How to delete Redirect Rules through the cloudpanzer website?
If you manage a Cloudpanzer and no longer need a redirect rule, or if you need to update an exist...