Recently Updated Pages
How to view SSH Auth Logs and Events on CloudPanzer?
One important aspect of managing an SSH server is monitoring and analyzing the authentication log...
How to navigate Server Logs?
1: Once you are logged in, look for a "Server" and click on it. 2: Select a Logs Option.
How to restore an Archived Server on CloudPanzer?
Follow the steps below to restore an archived server:- 1: Once you are logged in, search for the...
How to check server events on CloudPanzer?
Monitoring server events is an important part of maintaining the stability and performance of any...
How to enable Scheduler through the cloudpanzer webite ?
Enabling a scheduler refers to the process of reactivating it after it has been disabled for some...
How to disable Scheduler through the cloudpanzer webite ?
Disabling a scheduler is not a permanent action and you can be undone. Make sure you want to dele...
How to view Scheduler through the cloudpanzer website?
A scheduler is a useful tool for organizing and managing tasks, appointments, and events within C...
How to Create Scheduler through the cloudpanzer website?
A scheduler is a useful tool for organizing and managing tasks, appointments, and events within C...
How to Delete Scheduler through the mobile app?
Deleting a scheduler is a permanent action and cannot be undone. Make sure you really want to del...
How to check Scheduler Events through the cloudpanzer website?
Monitoring the status of scheduled events is a crucial task for any system administrator. It help...
How to Navigate Scheduler ?
Follow the steps below to Scheduler 1: Once logged in, look for a "Server" and click on it. 2...
How to Navigate Redirect Rule through the Cloudpanzer website ?
Follow the steps below to Redirect Rule Events. 1: Firstly you are logged in, look for a "Serve...
How to view Recent Events through the cloudpanzer website?
Follow the steps below to View Recent Events. 1: Firstly you are logged in, click on the file i...
How to navigate Recent Events through the cloudpanzer website ?
Follow the steps below to View Recent Events. 1: Firstly you are logged in, look for an "Event ...
How to use PHP Built In Extensions ?
PHP provides a variety of built-in extensions that enhance its functionality and allow developers...
How to Set Default PHP version ?
Follow the steps below to Set the Default PHP version 1. Once you are logged in, look for a "Ser...
How to restart the current PHP version in CloudPanzer?
You may need to restart the PHP version on a web portal for various reasons. This could include u...
How to remove already installed PHP version?
Follow the steps below to remove the already installed PHP version 1: Once you are logged in, lo...
How to Manage PHP on CloudPanzer?
PHP is a widely used server-side programming language that is essential for the development of dy...
How to install and configure PHP on server in CloudPanzer?
To install PHP on a server, you'll need to follow a series of steps depending on the server's ope...