Recently Updated Pages
How to enable/disable Site Protection through the Cloudpanzer website?
If you are an administrator of a website, you may need to delete site protection for various reas...
How to Navigate Run Command ?
Follow the steps below to run a command. 1: Once logged in, look for a "Server" and click on it....
How to Navigate Site Action ?
Follow the steps below to delete a site. 1: Once logged in, look for a "Server" and click on it....
How to create a site through the Cloudpanzer website?
Creating a website can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to the world of web d...
How to View Archived Servers in CloudPanzer?
Tutorial : You can watch the Video or Continue reading the post. Follow the steps below to...
How to edit Shell Ailases Group in CloudPanzer?
Editing shell aliases on a server allows users to create custom shortcuts for commands. This simp...
How to Navigate Account Settings in CloudPanzer?
Follow the steps below to Navigate Account Settings 1: Once logged in, click on the user profile...
How to add User SSH Keys in CloudPanzer?
Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol that allows secure remote login and other secure network...
How to view Sessions in CloudPanzer?
As a Cloudpanzer user, it may be necessary to view your active sessions in order to manage your a...
How to Delete Single Session in CloudPanzer?
Tutorial : You can watch the Video or Continue reading the post. Follow the steps below to...
How to check Account Activity in CloudPanzer?
Checking your account activity is an important step in managing your finances and protecting your...
How to add Source Controls in cloudpanzer through the website?
Follow the steps below to add Source Controls Once logged in, go to the user profile. 2...
How to add Shell Aliases Groups in CloudPanzer?
A shell alias is a shortcut that represents a command or a series of commands. By using aliases, ...
How do I change password for my CloudPanzer Account?
It's essential to keep your password secure and not share it with anyone. If you suspect that you...
How to delete Shell Aliases Group in CloudPanzer?
Deleting shell alias groups on a server maintains order, security, and efficiency. It ensures tha...
How to Restart a Server on CloudPanzer through the cloudpanzer website?
Restarting a server is a common task that may be required for a variety of reasons, such as insta...
How to restart a server through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
Follow the steps below to create redirect rules. 1: Once logged in, look for a "Server" and clic...
How to Transfer the Server from one user to another on CloudPanzer through the website?
Transferring a server can be a complex process, but with careful planning and execution, you can ...
How to transfer a server through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
Follow the steps below to create redirect rules. 1: Once logged in, look for a "Server" and clic...
How to refresh Server SSH Alerts through the cloudpanzer mobile application?
Follow the steps below to refresh the Server SSH Alert. 1: Once logged in, look for a "Server" a...